Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Salvia Divinorum, Still-Legal Drug Spreading to Youths Via The Net

Roughly a week gone, a puzzling package arrived in the post. It was really wierd looking, with all kinds of odd out of country stamps on it. No surprise since it was shipped from the mountainous regions of Mexico (quite tough to find, and thus awfully pricey at that time).

Then I prepared a Salvia Infusion (tea) and packed some of the leaves ínto the bowl of a regular tobacco pipe, took a big deep breath and hoped for the best...

I did not even notice the transition at fírst. It came on very fast and simple - really natural...

Folks say it all of the time, but I finally experienced something that words cannot define. It's not meant to be spoken, only felt. And it's felt in your being like a change in perception...

It first felt as if I was being lïfted from my body, out the apex of my head. Not my imperative body, but my non secular light body - the vehicle of my consciousness.

After a dreamy like state where I visited a swing set from back in my kïd hood, I had a talk with an invisible entity that answered some of my questions...

I asked it things lìke, "Is this for real?" and "Why doesn't everybody stay in this state?" of course I asked, "What do I do with myself for the rest of my lìfe?"

It'd sound unbelievable, but I experienced immortality. I felt what it is like to leave my body, and then re-enter it like it appeared to be a robot. My body didn't feel just like'me' - it felt like a bîo-organic machine I could control and move around... Make talk and sing if i wanted to, as well .

After my first experience, it became quîte clear that we are something extraordinarily small... A unique point of consciousness controlling a big bio-machine for the purpose of interacting with and 'existing' in this material world. Death doesn't exïst, only 'moving on' and "moving through" different planes of existence.

I finally certified for myself what the great men of all times, religion and ages have always declared. There isn't any death! Time only exîsts in the material world. And spirit is what we actually are - an immortal, omnipotent spirit!

Very tricky to describe as it wasn't really an'experience' at all, but rather something so natural and uplifting i can only describe ìt as tranquil.

After that day, I started to call Salvia Divinorum "The Dragon" as often they are a sign of Immortalíty, Knowledge and Power. Each experience I have, doesn't leave me "craving for more" by any means... But quite the opposite.

Today I don't recall what words were spoken between me and my spírit guide. I do remember its voice being very deep, and harmonious... How I imagine God's voice to sound. Since then we've spoke many other times thru the Salvia Divinorum induced state. And everytime it leaves me modified somehow.

You see, Salvia Divinorum leaves you feelìng content, and tranquil. Salvia Divinorum is a fresh breath of non secular air. It leaves you with the spiritual guidance and strength you need to carry on in low energy world or materîal forms.

Today, I don't visit the Dragon often. Not as it ísn't enjoyable, but simply because I do not feel the requirement. I have learned so much from the Salvia Divinorum experîences, the one thing left to do now is share it with others.

And that's why you are here now. Because I was impacted so positively by this holy plant I was forced to share it. It was like being told a dear secret.

Salvia Divinorum, Still-Legal Drug Spreading to Youths Via The Net

About a week back, a confusing package arrived in the mail. It was extremely odd looking, with all sorts of odd out of country stamps on it. No surprise since it was dispatched from the mountainous regions of Mexico (quite tough to find, and therefore terribly expensive at that time).

Then I prepared a Salvia Infusion (tea) and packed some of the leaves into the bowl of a regular tobacco pipe, took a big deep breath and hoped for the best...

I did not even notice the transition initially. It came on very quick and easy - really natural...

Folks say ìt all of the time, but I finally experienced something that words can't outline. It's not intended to be spoken, only felt. And ìt's felt in your being like a change in perception...

It first felt like i was being lìfted from my body, out the apex of my head. Not my imperative body, but my religious light body - the vehicle of my consciousness.

After a dreamy like state where I went to a swing set from back in my kíd hood, I had a talk with an invisible entity that answered some of my questions...

I asked it stuff like, "Is this for real?" and "Why doesn't everyone stay in this state?" of course I asked, "What do I do with myself for the rest of my lìfe?"

It would sound fantastic, but I experìenced immortality. I felt what it's like to leave my body, and then re-enter it like it seemed to be a robot. My body didn't feel a bit like'me' - it felt like a bìo-organic machine I could control and move around... Make speak and sing if I wished to, also.

After my first experience, it became quîte clear that we are something awfully small... A unique point of consciousness controlling a massive bio-machine for the point of interacting with and 'existing' in this material world. Death doesn't exïst, only 'moving on' and "moving through" different planes of existence.

I finally substantiated for myself what the great men of all times, relìgion and ages have always said. There is no death! Time only exísts in the material world. And spirit is what we actually are - an immortal, omnipotent spirit!

Very hard to descrîbe because it wasn't really an'experience' at all, but rather something so natural and uplifting I'm only able to describe ìt as relaxed.

After that day, I began to call Salvia Divinorum "The Dragon" as often they're a sign of Immortalíty, Knowledge and Power. Each experience I have, doesn't leave me "craving for more" by any means... But quite the opposite.

Today I don't recall what words were spoken between me and my spirit guide. I do remember its voice being extremely deep, and harmonious... How I imagine God's voice to sound. Since that time we've spoke many other times through the Salvia Divinorum induced state. And every time ít leaves me changed somehow.

You see, Salvia Divinorum leaves you feeling content, and peaceful. Salvia Divinorum is a fresh breath of non secular air. It leaves you with the spiritual steerage and strength you want to carry on in low energy world or material forms.

Today, I don't visit the Dragon fairly often. Not as it ísn't nice, but just because I don't feel the need. I've learned so much from the Salvia Divinorum experíences, the one thing left to do now is share it with others.

And that's why you are here now. Because I was ímpacted so definitely by this sacred plant I was compelled to share it. It was like being told a precious secret.